Collaborative and compassionate legal services


Areas of Practice

Whether you need an attorney to draft some legal documents, or you need an attorney to take your case all the way through a final hearing and appeal, we offer a wide variety of services to fit your legal needs. We are continuing to book new clients all the time, so do not hesitate to Book an Appointment with us.


Nobody gets married expecting their relationship to end in divorce. But, sometimes it does. When couples divorce, they need to think about their assets, debts, and expenses. Not all issues are/need to be contested, but having an attorney focus on areas that are contested could save you thousands of dollars in the long run.


Vermont offers a number of solutions for those minors requiring legal guardianship - including step-parent, near-relative, and non-relative adoptions. The process involves going through probate court and the biological parent relinquishing his/her rights. The process can be complicated with a lot of paperwork involved. We are available to help you through that process.

juvenile protection

Having your son or daughter the subject of a child protection proceeding is probably the most stressful experience you and your family could have. Parents are given high goals and a short time frame in which to accomplish them. If you need help navigating this time, please give us a call - we are here to help.



Like divorces with children, parentage cases involve what is in the best interest of the children. Parents need to consider who will make major decisions for the children such as what school they attend, where the children will physically spend their time, and then the costs associated with raising the children. The process can be emotional. An attorney can help you sort out your options and help you reach a solution.

POst-adoption contact agreements

Foster parents who are considering adopting a child through a proceeding involving the Department of Children and Families. The pre-adoptive parents are often asked to consider a post-adoption contact agreement (PACA). Consider consulting with an attorney so you understand what your rights and obligations are under a PACA. Your attorney can also help you negotiate with the biological parents’ attorney for terms that are acceptable to you.

juvenile delinquency

When a minor is charged with an offense that would have been a criminal case had that minor been an adult, that minor is now charged with a “delinquency.” Your child has substantially the same rights in a delinquency as he/she would have had this been a crime. The delinquency process can be intimidating to most, but we aim to get you through the process as quickly as possible with the goal of your child never needing to see the inside of a courtroom again.


Relief from abuse petitions

If you are in need of an order from the court ordering no contact between you and an ex-partner, or if you have had an order served on your, consider hiring an attorney for the final hearing, and consider it fast! No-contact orders come with a variety of implications and logistical issues. In addition, the attorney can help you sort out a final resolution without you discussing the issues with the opposing party.

Criminal law & expungements

Have you been charged with a crime or are being investigated by a crime? Do you understand your rights? Do you know that you are entitled to have an attorney present when the police question you? We represent clients on a wide variety of misdemeanor and felony charges from arraignment to trial. We will also help you expunge old convictions from your record should they qualify so you can move on with your fresh start.

wills and estates

We get it. Thinking about your own mortality is creepy. However, a little work now can save your loved ones a lot of uncertainty later. We offer simple wills and trusts for those wanting to get their affairs in order now. Also, if you have a loved one who has passed and you need help administering their estate, do not hesitate to call us.


Pictures on this page generously provided by Caleigh Cross of Morrisville, Vermont.